CheckerboardR: a web-tool for generation of checkerboards


Enter data

Upload delimited text file:

Data in delimited text files can be separated by comma, tab or semicolon. For example, Excel data can be exported in .csv (comma separated) or .tab (tab separated) format.

Paste data below:
Rotate view:
Algorithm choices:
Schema for Synergy or Antagonism:

This application allows users to generate customized checkerboards to estimate synergistic and antagonistic effects and calculate Bliss Independence and Highest Single Agent values. Plots can be exported as eps, pdf and svg files.

Software references

R Development Core Team. R: A Language and Environment for Statistical Computing. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna (2013)
RStudio and Inc. shiny: Web Application Framework for R. R package version 0.5.0 (2013)

Further references
This application was created by jw. This application uses the shiny package from RStudio .
This application was created by jw. This application uses the shiny package from RStudio .